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Goddess Awakening

2 hr 45 min
110 British pounds

Service Description

A massage treatment begins with an invocation of Isis, setting a tone of healing, strength, and empowerment. Before the hands on treatment, we will share a blue lotus tea / cacao drink and I will guide a gentle visualisation before leaving the room and allowing you a few minutes to undress, and take a mindful moment before you get on the massage table. The hands on element begins with a full body healing massage, which integrates techniques from ancient Egyptian practices and modern therapeutic methods. This massage aims to release physical tension while also nurturing the body's natural healing abilities, channeling Isis's nurturing and protective qualities. As the massage progresses, a luxurious hot towel facial is introduced. This facial is not only about skin rejuvenation but also about invoking a sense of inner peace and self-care, resonating with Isis's loving and compassionate nature. The facial uses products inspired by ancient Egyptian skincare, known for their natural and nourishing properties. Transitioning to the feet, a reflexology foot massage begins. This part of the treatment focuses on specific pressure points that correspond to different body organs and systems, promoting overall health and well-being. It's a nod to Isis's rational and holistic approach to life, seeking balance and harmony in the body. The pinnacle of the ritual is the blue lotus oil facial massage. Blue lotus, a symbol of the divine in ancient Egypt and closely associated with Isis, is used in an oil blend for its soothing and mystical properties with a focus particularly on self care and self love. The oil is gently massaged into the skin, enhancing relaxation and spiritual connection. This holistic treatment is a journey through the various facets of Isis's spirit, from nurturing and protection to strength and rationality, offering a deeply restorative experience for the body and soul.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation with less than 24 hours notice will require full payment. Cancellation within 48 hours will require 50% payment. Cancellation within 72 hours will require 20% payment.

Contact Details

  • North Wales, UK


  • Brynford, Holywell, UK


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